Monday, December 3, 2018

Book Review: The Cay by Isabela H. (Grade 5)

The Cay is a book by Theodore Taylor and takes place on an island called Curaço, which is the largest of the Dutch islands just off the coast of Venezuela. It also takes place in Wilmsted where Phillip’s friends are from.

The main characters are Phillip, Timothy, and Stew Cat. Phillip is kind of spoiled and judgy, but later in the story that changes. Timothy is an African elder who helps Phillip when the Germans attacked the ship. Stew Cat is a cat that Timothy found. His name is Stew Cat because they were gonna cook him. The main event in the story is when Phillip and Timothy have to wait weeks in the sea to find an island to survive on. Unfortunately, Phillip became blind because he kept looking at the sun.

This book reminds me of “Island Of The Blue Dolphins” because the Native American girl loses her brother on an island and she got lost at sea too. I’m wondering if Phillip kept Stew Cat as a pet when he was reunited with his parents? I noticed that Timothy didn’t have a family which was tragic because Timothy talked about never knowing them. It’s interesting and emotional when you read the book, there are a lot of details that a human being might experience. I would also recommend the book because it’s historical fiction which could teach others a bit more about what have people went through back then.